Friday, November 5, 2010

the harvest

Right now we're in that space between planting a seed and the harvest. We're waiting for a few things to grow. Some of them we know we need. We do our best to root ourselves in a sturdy faith that will stand the test of time while we wait upon their realization. Others, of course, we know nothing about. Sometimes we stare at the ground wondering what will fill the empty spaces.

It can be so hard trusting in God to fulfill His promises, even though he always does. Even though He always does.

We were waiting on my husband's raise at work for a long time. Company's are still pulling themselves out of the pit of recession. He finally got that raise last month. It took more effort on Ben's part than we would have ever thought necessary, not just in patience, but in advocating for himself. The Lord answered our prayer and we thought we'd be saved. Little did we know, we'd still be waiting for the difference we anticipated. It seems there is even more work to be done on our end. God is teaching us. Patience, self-control, trust.

We are waiting on other things that I will be purposefully ambiguous about. And because we are starting to catch on to some of the ways our God works, there are probably other blessings (some in disguise) waiting for us to stumble upon them.

So here we are, in the space between, waiting for the harvest. Trying not to waste the wait.

If you understand what it's like to be in this place,  please pray for us. Don't forget to let us know how we can pray for you.

happy weekend,

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