Thursday, November 11, 2010

Thankful on a Thursday: quiet time.

I rarely take time to sit in the quiet. Mornings are usually "get up + go", I fill naptime with chores + internet noise, and by the evening I want to soak up as much of my boys together as I can before bedtime or we have something else going on, then Ben + I spend time watching our favorite shows or catching each other up on the day.

This morning I usually have a mom's meeting at church, but it got cancelled. I was planning on sleeping in, and did a bit but Ben woke me up to say goodbye and I couldn't fall back asleep. At first I was grumpy, but then I realized the opportunity I had while Malakai still snoozed in the next room.

Usually we read the Bible together before bed, it's the least hectic time of the day. Sometimes when I have a moment in the morning, I don't take it because I want to read with Ben that evening. This morning, I realized I needed some quiet time, alone. The Lord knew this and provided time for me to fix my breakfast + sit down with my Bible before Malakai woke up.

This week I'm thankful for...

371. a quiet moment that allowed me to listen to the words of Truth.

372. the strange day that turned into an unexpected blessing (check my mister's blog later this afternoon for more info.) and the excitement on Ben's face.

373. the rustling sound of a teeny (well not so teeny anymore) body down the hall. 

374. taking on new responsibilities with excitement + great anticipation for what the future holds.

375. being nominated for a blog award. I'm so humbled by the support I've received. 

376. a clean + organized house...for now. 

377. watching my son learn + develop his unique personality. 

378. fellowship with friends, old + new. 

379. the contentment found in what I've already been blessed with, that replaces the world's noise of "more more more" 

380. an upcoming weekend with little planned. 

What are you thankful for this week? 


  1. Spending the day with my mom, sister, and son <3

  2. Loved reading your list! I'm thankful for my husband. :)


thanks for responding, I love your feedback!

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