Thursday, November 4, 2010

Thankful on a Thursday: take care

This week has been pretty challenging. Actually, the past two weeks have been a bit difficult. Nothing overly dramatic or significant, I'm just sick. I finally found out what was going on with me yesterday and am taking medication to get better. I'm terrible at getting myself in to the doctor.

I've started to notice that I'm not very good at taking care of myself. I pride myself on taking care of my son, husband, and our household as well as our friends + family when they visit or are in need. I didn't notice that I was neglecting myself. I've been forgetting to eat lunch until it's almost dinner time, I rarely get my hair cut (once or twice a year if I'm lucky), I often don't get the time to shower if I'm just staying around the house, and I don't see a problem in having my family go to the dentist, optometrist, and doctor when it's necessary, but think it's much too expensive for me to go.

It's bad, I know. I think it took me getting sick and ignoring it for so long that I started to think I had something more serious when the symptoms became more severe. I'm fine, but was scared for a bit there. Perhaps I should stop looking up medical things online and let my doctors take care of it. Scaring myself with WebMD's symptom checker did motivate me to get to the doctor though, so that's a plus.

This week I'm thankful for

361. comfort + wisdom from doctors.

362. the way Ben takes care of me + the hard work he does around the house (the leaves are beautiful but they don't rake themselves!)

363. once again, free babysitting. We've been needing a sitter for Malakai more often with some obligations at our church. Our family + friends have been so generous.

364. no-internet cuddle time on the couch after Kai's bedtime.

365. the beauty of the fog. the valley was flooded in grey water particles this morning.

366. story time.

{Malakai prefers to "read" to himself except at bedtime with daddy}

367. Malakai's new found ability to soothe himself to sleep. so so thankful for this.

368. another daycare opportunity starting in 2 weeks. More on that to come.

369. the refreshing feeling after a long overdue haircut.

{just as the rain started to add some unwanted "volume"}

370. sunny + warm fall afternoons.

Unfortunately Nish over at The Outdoor Wife is no longer hosting Thankful on a Thursday. Which is why you don't see the usual linky image here. I've done it every week since she started it in March and will continue to do so. It's part of my weekly routine and as I've said before, it's a great reminder to look for the positive each week. I encourage you to take part and if you do, leave me a link here so myself and anyone who stops by here can read your post.


  1. I love that look of surprise on his face in that second picture! too cute! And you are gorgeous... just thought you should know :)


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