Friday, September 24, 2010

my favorite reads part II

Last week's list of recommendations was not long enough to include everything I read. Even with a second part to the post, there are still many others I haven't included. I may {or may not} do a third installment. For now, please click all these lovely links and enjoy the reads.

This is a recommendation for the very few of you who may be oblivious to the existence of Heather Armstrong. I stumbled across her blog over a year ago when I was pregnant with Malakai and she was also expecting her youngest daughter, who is just a month older. At first I was turned off by her sometimes foul language and her crass humor, but I stuck around for the sarcasm, wit, and overall weirdness.

Today's Letters
I did a little review that featured today's letters here pretty recently. This blog makes me smile on a daily basis, and has really inspired Ben + I to find more time for each other. I wish the Loerke's lived closer, I have a feeling we'd be good friends. I also have a feeling a lot of people feel that way about them, hence the immense popularity of her sweet little blog.

The Heir to Blair
This is another blog I discovered through The Bump message boards. I've followed "Blair's" (just her pen-name) story for almost 2 years now. Her family has been through a lot and her ability to be honest about it all is staggering.

Maggie {aka Gussy} has been sewing adorable creations with ruffles on them for a relatively short time and is already doing what she loves from home full time. Her story is awesome, her blog is really fun to look at and her shop is irresistible.

The Anderson Crew
Emily's family is absolutely adorable. I can't remember how I came across her little piece of the internet, but I'm glad I did. She always has great pictures of her kids and I just love that half the time they're running around in just their underpants. They're also working on adopting a little girl from Ethiopia, which would make 5 kids under the age of 6!

You're welcome.
Happy Friday!


  1. I am honestly floored to be listed with these folks.

    Thank you!!!!

  2. and I love that you took the time to notice! so thank YOU!

  3. are you serious? coudn't agree more with blair. heart you to the moon! friends indeed because you've already captured my twinner's heart.

  4. I love when people post blogs they love...I like to find new ones, and its hard to find them sometimes!! I already read a lot of the same ones as you, but you have definitely given me some new reading material! Thanks!


thanks for responding, I love your feedback!

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