Monday, September 20, 2010

these are a few of my favorite reads

You may have noticed that I don't have a "blog roll" on my page. I do have some buttons for those who have created some on the lower right, some are giveaway sites, some are Etsy shops, and others are blogs that I read. I don't want to overcrowd my main page, so I thought I'd post about the blogs I read on a regular basis. This isn't an exhaustive list and it's not in any order of importance, just highlighting some talented bloggers.

Most of the blogs I read I've discovered through other bloggers featuring them or just casually mentioning them, so I thought I'd share the love with you in case you haven't heard of any of these gems. I consider all of these a MUST read!

Breaking Through
Lyryn has a beautiful testimony of forgiveness + God's grace. She also recently become a mama of two- her boys are incredibly adorable.

Finding My Feet
Raechel is incredibly creative. She makes cute little outfits + things. She also chronicles the day to day with her sweet little ones, Oliver + Hazel.

Party Perfect
Sarah features all sorts of party ideas. I first discovered her blog when I began the planning process for Malakai's Pirate-themed 1st birthday party. I found a lot of inspiration and love looking through all the ideas and lovely photos on her website.

Pacing the Panic Room
Most people in the blogging world know about Ryan Marshall and his wonderful family over at PTPR. He recently launched a kid's album called Do Fun Stuff to benefit SMS research, a genetic disorder that his step-son was diagnosed with fairly recently. I first discovered this blog like most who currently read there, through the Maternity series he did of his wife Cole when she was pregnant with their daughter Tessa, who is just a month older than my Malakai.

The Outdoor Wife
I've linked to Nish here before. She was the inspiration behind Thankful on a Thursday, which I participate in every week. She's a fellow Oregon girl and I love seeing my home state through here eyes. She's a great writer and is also mama to a sweet little guy.

The Mommy Makeover
I first "met" Marge through The Bump message boards. We were "labor buddies" which meant we were on watch for when the other went into labor to notify the rest of the ladies on the boards. We've stayed connected through emails, blogs, + facebook. We've been sending each other's sons birthday gifts and are hopeful to meet in person some day soon. She started this blog back in March with nearly daily updates on her mission to improve her lifestyle. It's authentic + motivational.

Happy reading,

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