Friday, September 3, 2010

photo friday: a giant turtle + sliding glass door

It's usually fairly random things that keep Malakai entertained. We don't have a ton of toys in the house because 1. they'd just clutter up our small living space, and 2. too many toys can be distracting and make it hard for a child to focus on just one item.

We also rotate the toys that Malakai does have. He has very generous family + friends, almost all of his play things are from them. We usually have about half of them out in the living room and his bedroom at once and then rotate things in and out to keep them fresh. After his birthday this became even more important so as not to overwhelm him with new things. It has also been nice having new things to keep him busy when I need a break from literally following him from room to room and keeping him out of the garbage can, wires, + blinds.

This week I finally got out the giant turtle that his Mema + G'Pa gave him. I filled it with the plastic balls we had at his party and he was absolutely giddy. Since I put it out, every morning he yells out "ball!" as soon as it catches his eye.

{he always has to have a matching pair}

He also has taken a liking to the sliding glass door to the backyard. I think he likes the way it feels + the way it sounds when he taps on it.

{pitter patter of chunky feets...yes, feets}

He thought it was absolutely hilarious when I sat on the other side of the glass. Is it weird that I love seeing his little hand prints all over our house? I wonder if that feeling will fade...

{nevermind my stripped pj pants in the reflection}

I'm still loving watching him grow + learn. He's so much fun to play with, even when he wears me out!
Happy Weekend,

P.S. don't forget to enter my current giveaway {ends 9.5.10}


  1. Sweet, sweet pics! No, the pleasure of handprints never fades! There's a pair of granddaughter handprints on my bathroom mirror that only show up when the room is steamy -- I haven't scrubbed them away because it gives me a smile when I see them!

  2. Love that cute grin!! Can't wait to see you guys tomorrow!!


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