Thursday, September 16, 2010

Thankful on a Thursday

Sometimes when I sit down to reflect on what I'm thankful for I hit wall. It's not that I don't have anything to be thankful for, that's obviously far from true. I think it's that I don't want to write the same things every week. At first I wanted to come up with a unique thing every time I posted another 10 items, but then I think I got lazy and forgot to see if I had already shared how thankful I was for coconut mochas.

Anyway, what I've realized is that while it's great to think of new things and stretch myself to see the good all around me, it's okay to be thankful for the same things each week too. In fact, being thankful for many of those things on a regular basis means that they're still a part of my life, they haven't been taken away {except those coconut mochas, darn budget} and when I look back I can see where I've repeated things in my list and know that those moments are what blessed me the most.

So I'm still thankful for:

291. God's strength.

292. my adorable son.

293. and incredibly handsome husband.

294. our little house

295. and guests that are willing to overlook that pile of boxes in the corner + lack of decor the walls.

296. the chill in the air that opens up a whole new section of my wardrobe.

297. fresh hot coffee.

298. my family.

{Happy Birthday to my lovely "sistore" Amanda!}

299. being able to email with Kai's pediatrician about our concerns, this saves us so. much. money.

300.  a long weekend with family at the lake that starts tomorrow.

This is my 30th week sharing in Thankful on a Thursday. Please visit The Outdoor Wife who started it all for more information and inspiration.

Happy {early} weekend,


  1. That's so nice you can email Kai's doctor!! Such a blessing!! Hope you have a great weekend!

  2. I always adore reading your lists. Kai is absolutely adorable... gets cuter every week :)

  3. I agree, it's perfectly okay to be thankful for the same things each week!
    Oh and I've never had a Coconut Mocha, but it sounds amazing.


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