Thursday, September 9, 2010

Thankful on a Thursday: Fall again

The weather is cooling off and it's been sprinkling almost daily. I usually love fall, but I'm not ready to spend more time indoors. I love going out on our evening walks whenever we feel like it or heading out to my parents' place on the weekends for a swim. Soon we're supposed to go out to the lake for a weekend with Ben's family and it won't be as much fun if we're all cooped up indoors. Usually I'm beyond ready by the time fall weather gets here, but it feels early this year.

Despite the cold, there are many things that bring me joy. This week I'm thankful for...

281. all my new readers, welcome. {leave a comment or hit the follow button if you haven't already and let me know you're out there!}

282. special things in the mailbox.

283. tv marathons with my love. Currently we're watching Arrested Development {for the first time} on netflix and Alias {his first time, my second}.

284. having a full 24 hours with no outside plans or obligations, something I often take for granted until it becomes rare.

285. watching Malakai + Titus play together yesterday. Malakai hasn't really been able to interact on the same level until now. It was so fun to watch them be boys out in the yard.

286. the look of satisfaction + appreciation on Ben's face when I bake a new treat. He especially enjoyed this week's peanut butter creme frosting.

287. my close girl friends.

288. my first pumpkin spice latte of the fall...although it's not technically fall yet, and I'm reluctant to let go of  warm weather.

289. Bravery.

{don't you think this knife is the most appropriate tool for such a nasty creature?}

290. God's strength.

What are you thankful for this week?

{for those of you who are new around here, Thankful on a Thursday started over at The Outdoor Wife. Check her out, she's the real deal.}


  1. I'm loving the cool weather. Liam's not quite walking around yet, so we spend a lot of time inside anyway. We do walk weekdays, but I just bundle him up in the stroller :)

    No more hot days in the house. Now I can cuddle up on the couch under a blanket with Liam. Light candles, and drink hot tea. Fall is just my favorite time of year.

    Arrested Development is awesome! I wish there were more. FYI, all the episodes are on Hulu. At least they were a couple weeks ago when I introduced my sister to the show.

  2. You inspired me to write about my favorite fall things in my blog. Thanks for the inspiration :)

  3. Sorry, but I'm a fall baby, so I'm thankful for the 'fally'-weather :)

  4. well I usually really love the fall, but I just want the cool weather to hold off for a couple more weeks for our trip to the lake so we can wake board and be out on the boat :)

  5. GET THAT SPIDER!! Thats an awesome picture. :)

    By the way, I love the name of your blog. Its great!

  6. OH MY WORD. just the sight of that spider freaks me out!! You are one brave mama! And i totally LOVE that picture of malakai pushing titus on the car! Too cute! :)


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