Friday, September 10, 2010


As I mentioned before, September is busy for us and we aren't even directly effected by all that is "back-to-school"!  Despite our already busy schedule, we're making things a bit busier. In addition to all the birthday madness going on, one or both of us serves at church every Sunday this month, plus Ben has worship practice on Tuesdays, I'm meeting up with a college friend I haven't seen in THREE YEARS tomorrow, we're packing up and going to the lake next weekend, and we're also trying to plan dinner or a playdate with three separate families. Pluuuus,  need to finish babyproofing and unpacking/cleaning for some house guests by October 1st because...

Exhibit A:

{yes, that is blue painter's tape keeping Malakai out of our pantry}

Exhibit B:

haha, see the roll of tape? It became a toy.

{this is what the living room + dining room looked like while I attempted to make muffins}

And where's Malakai you may ask?

Certainly not napping....

{where else, but underneath the table/chairs}

It's been a bit crazy as we try to pack as much as we can into the last weeks of moderate weather.

What do you have planned before the sunny days are gone?

Happy Weekend!


  1. its a shame how fast theis month flies isnt it? Its always so fun! My family goes to a lot of festivals, be they honoring apple harvets to Scottish folk, so that is taking up a lot of our weekends...which is great because we all go and hang out together. And this year the boys got hilarity is sure to follow!

  2. Hmmm... who could those guests in October be? ;)

  3. I'm looking forward to this month too. We went to Dutch Wonderland today with Jayden... wanted to do something fun like that before it gets to cold!

    Have a great rest of the weekend!

  4. Yes I am very excited for fall:-) Cute blog, and hope everything settles down!


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